In Applicaal, we understand that while some communities have reduced measures such as wearing masks to protect against COVID-19, you as a parent may be concerned about how you can get your child or teen to care. Keep special hygiene needs safe.
1. Use layers of protection and creative and flexible ways to safely meet needs.
Vaccination is the best layer of protection for all eligible children and adults, especially anyone who comes into contact with children with special healthcare needs.
2. If your child gets sick, plan and consider telehealth options for clinic and therapy appointments.
If your child has regular and multiple visits, talk to your pediatrician and specialists to set up a schedule for regular checkups and needs reviews.
3. Prioritize face-to-face education for children with special health care needs.
Attendance in school should be a priority – including and especially for children with special health care needs.
4. Pay special attention to mental health.
Not all children or adults will react the same way to the stress of a pandemic, but everyone will likely react in some way. Talk to your pediatrician about any mental health concerns, signs, or symptoms.
Families, parents, and caregivers who care for children with special healthcare needs are strong and resilient. But to continue to care for your family, you need to make sure that you also take time for yourself and engage in self-care activities.